A #Hike to #Remember !!!!

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Hi a few weeks back I did something completely out of my comfort zone I went for a HIKE. I am not kidding I really did that. I walked approximately 9 miles and most of it was incline. Well let me tell you a few things about myself; I am 120kgs and hate walking. With all this weight and lack of exercise those 9 mile were 30 miles for me. It all started when my friend Ben The Explorer who works with me told me about how he hikes and how good it is. At that stage I was like how can u walk that much and enjoy. In order to find out I gave myself a challenge that I would go on a hike. He asked me if I wanted to join him and I said yes. All week we planned about it. The location was Kinder Scout in Peak District Dark side. The final destination was kinder Scout Waterfall. The first task of the journey was to get to Stockport from my home. I left my house at 7:30 as we planned to meet in Stockport at 9:00. As usual the bus that comes from my house came half an hour late and I reached Stockport at 9:30 and we missed our bus to hayfield and the next bus was to leave at 10:30. So while we wait for the bus let me introduce the gang. First is our guide Mr Ben from Hungary than Mr.suhail from india , Shadi from Iran . Amy and Dan from England joined us in hayfield as they were camping there. So finally after an hour’s journey we reached hayfield. It’s a small quite town. On our way to the camp site where Amy and Dan were waiting for us the first thing I saw was hayfield cricket ground which for any cricket lover a sight they must see. Moving on I saw a river stream or wat ever it’s called. Those who know me know I cant resist temptation to get into water I love water. So I decided to go down jump on a few rocks in the stream and act like an adventurer. After that we finally reached camp and I was ready to go back home. We had walked enough saw a stream met Dan and Amy time to go home and relax. I knew there was no going back now that I am in I am in. No cars no help if I wanted to quit even getting back would be a task on its own. After having lunch we started our journey towards Kinder Scout Water Fall. As the journey began we started walking and with my luck it was a steep incline as soon as we started. As you can imagine I was out of breath only a few minutes into the journey and got to know how much unfit I was. I pushed on with a lot of encouragement from Ben and other guys. The view of hills became more and more beautiful as we got higher and higher. We took a pit stop as we climbed our first steep slope. It was good to see others were out of breath too except super Ben. Then to my dismay we moved again the incline at first was not that steep but it got steeper and steeper as we walked. I tried to not think about my legs and looked at the view and chatted with the gang. Half way up this steep I asked for another pit stop and we sat down got our breath back had some water. It was sunny day (Ya in UK a sunny and hot day just on the day I decide to walk :@) and after a long time I was sweating. On our way up we saw a few cycle riders going downhill on a rugged stony surface at 20 mph as they whizzed passed us every one was amazed, if they hit one small stone they could fall and get seriously injured. After this we reached a point that is known as heritage point. This is where enthusiast hiker staged a protest to get this path declared as national heritage and open to public which was later done. Moving on we climbed a steep hill to get to oddly shaped big stones. The wind on the top was unbelievable. It felt great to be there. I crashed on lush green grass with a heavenly view of the valley and soaked up the view. Other guys went to explore and found small cave. After that we again moved on. At this point I was on completely out of steam and running on reserve power. Next part was mostly plain land and we reached another check point. The first thing I noticed was a pile of stones on the hill. This was kind of I was here thing anyone who got there puts one rock on top. I was very tired but the view kept me going with my constant are we there yets to Ben who like an expert guide kept on telling me it just there. After an hour’s walk we finally reached the waterfall. Since there was no rain hence no water in the waterfall which generally makes it a steep mountain which was a slight disappointment but the view over took that disappointment. Ben scared the hell out me by going on the edge of the cliff and posing for picture (This is Why I will never take my cousins Khizar Hayat, Shahrukh Hayat and Saad Hayat there as they may just try and get down from the cliff without harness or any equipment or just to scare me do crazy stunts). It was almost 6 and Ben Amy and Dan began to worry that we won’t make it before dark. Ben and Dan were unsure about the way down as map showed a way down but nothing was visible. We had mountain sheep there who kept on calling beeehheen !! (trust me it was a popular joke on the mountain:p). Finally we started to walk in forward direction with a hunch there was a way down if we didn’t find the way we may have to walk back but luckily Amy saw a way down but it was very steep and rocky. We decided to go for it. It was really hard to balance and get down while I thought getting down would be easier. I stayed back and let others take lead so that if I lose my balance I don’t crush any of them. Suhail was supporting Shadi as her shoe’s grip was very weak and she almost slipped a few times but Suhail grabbed her. As we went down there were grassy hills along the stony and rough path way so I and Ben decided to take a short and slid down the grassy slope. Suddenly I was in front of the pack. Though it was bumpy but it was really fun. Now that we were down we were on other side of the lake and we were clue less which direction to go. So we decided to stick to the path and which turned out to be a good decision though we saw a disturbing site of a doped up man camping near a lake which smelled really bad. Finally we reached camp at 8:30 PM. We started the journey at 1:30 PM. I was dead tired than we walked back to hay field and sat in a bar to celebrate our triumph than at 10:00PM we got on the bus back to Stockport and was home by 12:00. After doing this hike I felt a sense of accomplishment as I did something I would have never done. Thanks to Ben, Suhail, Amy, Shadi and Dan I was able to do it. After this experience I would recommend everyone to try it and now I understand why people do it. It is one of those things that you have to experience to understand. All the walk was worth it and I am looking forward to doing it again.