For Sale: Replica Of Fred Flintstone’s Car

It’s a replica of an iconic car that is guaranteed to turn heads. The two-seater soft-top car is for sale at the rock-bottom price of 2,200 Euros ($3,145). And, unlike the original, this working version of Fred Flintstone’s car has its own motor, meaning the driver and their passenger won’t have to rely on their feet to power the prehistoric ride.

(Source: PreSurfer)

Arty Bollocks Generator

Arty Bollocks
Generate your own free artist statement with the Arty Bollocks Generator, and if you don’t like it, generate another one. Here’s the statement I generated:

My work explores the relationship between postmodern discourse and life as perfomance. With influences as diverse as Kierkegaard and Frida Kahlo, new combinations are created from both simple and complex meanings. Ever since I was a student I have been fascinated by the ephemeral nature of relationships.

What starts out as vision soon becomes corrupted into a tragedy of temptation, leaving only a sense of decadence and the prospect of a new reality. As temporal impressions become transformed through boundaried and personal practice, the viewer is left with a statement of the edges of our world.

(via Humanyms)

(Source: PreSurfer)

Nexus Contraptions

Google launched a game called Nexus Contraptions. You have to operate a Rube Goldberg-esque machine filled with bouncing Google apps, magnets and fans. A fun game where you build your Nexus S by bouncing, bubbling, and blasting these Google apps into the phone. It is very addictive and you may be playing it for hours. 🙂

(Source: PreSurfer)

Postcards from Hell: 4. Hospitality (via South of West)

This will be old hat to those of you who know Pakistan. But anyone who believes it is a failed state peopled by Western-hating suicide bombers will be surprised to learn that Pakistanis have taken the art of hospitality to a completely new level. Barely a day goes by without an invitation to a dinner, tea or meat roasting from someone that I met in a lift weeks ago. No interview is conducted until I have been completely and fully rehydrated. And … Read More

via South of West

Postcards from Hell: 2. Murree Beer (via South of West)

Postcards from Hell: 2. Murree Beer   Murree beer may remind me of sixth form home brew experiments – and I gather their whisky is not what it used to be – but if there’s one thing I know about failed states it’s that they tend not to brew their own beer or distill their own spirits. In failed states, the committed imbiber has to buy Ethiopian gin. And drink it on a hotel rooftop mixed with luke warm Fanta.  The story of the Gin Fanta can wait for another day. For now, rest assured … Read More

via South of West

I Explore Pakistan !!

This is by far the best Pakistani Site by Danial Shah a landscape photographer based in Pakistan. Anything I say cant express how good this site is. He has covered all Four Provinces of Pakistan with breath taking photographs.
Follow Danial Shah On twitter and This is his Personal Website.